Needy T gets her vanilla on!

So much of my life is Vanilla, especially given the fact that I play many roles and have many people who would be negatively affected by the naughty side of my life.  And in order to bring balance I thought it would be nice if I shared the Vanilla side.  So here it goes:


  1. Sourdough Starter:
    I have been doing my research and have been experimenting with Sourdough starter. I started my first sourdough on December 7th 2014 and I named my starter Kitty. I have been feeding, caring, using and sharing Kitty ever since. It is amazing to me...I know many people may think this is elementary stuff but I am extremely impressed with how this works.
    If you want to start your own "Kitty" here is how I did it!
    I started with a clean container 1 cup of water and one cup of all purpose flour. I mixed them together, covered with plastic wrap and left it out on my counter. There is natural, wild yeast in the flour, in the air and according to all that I have read, it is everywhere. The next day I added 1/2 a cup of flour and two tablespoons or so of water, mixed, covered and placed back on the counter. I did this for two days and on the third day I took out a cup of the starter and made sourdough pancakes with it. I cannot bear to throw anything away....I added the 1/2 cup of flour and two TBS. water, mixed, covered and put back on the counter. You will start to see bubbles in your pancake batter like starter and that is a good sign. That means the yeast is working! I will post some pictures and other information as I go. My first loaf of sourdough bread using only the starter and no commercial yeast was done on day 7. It was Amazing!

  2. A very informative page for making Sourdough starter:

  3. I need to know why I cannot send posts to this page? I want two have the kinky on the home page and the vanilla on this page. What do I do.
